Being more self-loving — starting here and now
SELF LOVE NOW excerpt from author Steve Nobel
Self Love is such a popular term in many personal development and spiritual circles. You have probably heard the theory many times and in many ways — that we cannot really love another unless we can fully accept and love ourselves.
Putting it into practice can be quite another thing — after all, where do we start?
Is it possible to feel more self-loving by getting a new hair-do, new partner or new wardrobe of clothes? I guess it works for some but for me, when I am really doing it to love and nurture myself, then the experience is very different from ticking a box in a Self Love to-do-list!
Self Love is a mind-set that generates a certain set of feel good factors that lead to different ways of perceiving and moving through the world.
Self Love has to start somewhere so why not start right here and now! So here is a five step program to do just that:
- Start being more aware… Of the feelings in your body — when you are feeling peaceful, centred, focused, happy etc., then you are thinking/ doing Self Love. When you are feeling stressed, unhappy, heavy, depressed etc., then you are not thinking/doing Self Love. When you stop feeling ‘good’, just stop and notice what is going on. Often, some form of self-berating or internal pushing to get somewhere is happening.
- Stop doing the opposite of Self Love… Pause, breathe, drink tea slowly, go for a walk, hug a tree, read an uplifting poem, break the state of thinking and feeling that leads to the opposite of Self Love. Speaking or writing out any self-attacking thoughts and feelings can help neutralise them. Interrupt any habitual thinking/doing patterns that block your ability to stay present.
- Embrace what you need right now… Tune into what you need to shift back into Self Love. What do you really need? Maybe you need to speak with a friend, maybe spend more time alone in nature. Make sure you are taking care of your physical and emotional needs. Get clear and act on it. Find different, innovative ways to get all your needs met.
- You are human, you will make mistakes… Stop setting yourself up and give yourself a break. Stop demanding absolute perfection. Personal growth involves getting it wrong from time to time. Start getting honest about your limits (yes, I know we are all limitless beings of light but from a practical perspective this makes no sense). Be responsible for the reality you are creating. Learn from your mistakes and do it differently next time. Apologise where necessary. Forgive yourself.
- Do something different… Stop wasting your precious time. Use feedback (instead of blame) to adjust what you are doing. Set healthy limits/ boundaries around your time. Say no more often. Allow certain people/ situations to leave your life and allow new people/situations to enter your life, ones that support your happiness and success. Voila!
by Steve Nobel
Living In The Gift:
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During a ‘sharing circle’ Simon invited a spontaneous question; “Why is Self Love so important today?”. He was profoundly moved by the answers of those in the circle, so much so that over time that movement continued to birth an idea of a book of 54 diversely selected co-creators expressing their individual answers to the same broad and important universal question. Now you have the wisdom of these divine beings all in one place. Notice anyone you know? — Enjoy xxx