www.nakedtheretreat.com dare to strip yourself bare and live your truth?

NAKED The Retreat — How is this serving humanity? How can it help me?

Simon Paul Sutton
6 min readDec 5, 2017

Whats the point? Isnt it just another distracting event? Just more noise among the madness?

☆ If you have followed any of my offerings over the years, then you know that I am on a quest of love and truth. Over the past 22 years, since serving those powerful two months in a remand centre at the age of 18, I wanted out of the life I had found myself entangled in. A life of crime, a life of drugs, addiction and debauchery driven from fear and lies. This decision lead to seeking fame and fortune which was also leading me down the garden path of more lies. (no regrets of course) Ive checked out many crevices along the way. In 2008 I took a deeper plunge into truth by making a decision to never lie again. I had fallen in love with myself and all of life and realised if I wanted to experience real love and truth, I had to strip away all that was not love and truth. Ha ha what a ride. Be very mindful if you also choose to make this decision. It will change absolutely everything in your life.

Over the past 10 years I have been a ‘Transparent Traveller’ spreading love and uncovering truth within and without. Diving into the mysteries and conspiracies. Through hours and hours of conversations, one to ones, workshops, webinars, talks, books and documentaries, the transparent path led me into the four biggest taboos of our culture; TRUTH, MONEY, SEX & DEATH. We unconsciously avoid all four like the plague. They scare us so much we prefer to deny and lie to ourselves through a life comfortably numb. The ‘Transparent Path’ took me back to my core, into my shadows and out the other side like the true alchemist I am. It reconnected with all that is real for in this moment. This is the path back to our NAKED selves. Revealing ourselves in our entirety. Becoming NAKED in my thoughts, emotions, words, actions and physical body. Embracing life fully in this moment; all there is. Its been a journey to loving all that is, warts and all.

Along this path of love something very real became apparent. I started to serve something far greater than myself. I become evolution in motion. I am far more magnificent than I had ever been told. In fact the path of service or love (whichever resonates with you more) actually takes the driving seat and leads the way through my willingness to surrender to the bigger picture playing out. As the truth continued to unfold I began realising that almost everything as we know it, is in fact backwards.

To give you a few examples;
☆ The only way out is in.
☆ Go within or go without.
☆ Let go to receive.
☆ Receiving is in the giving.
☆ When we need nothing, we have everything.
☆ Less is more.
☆ Certainty is found in uncertainty.
☆ Get lost to be found.
☆ We find comfort in discomfort.
☆ Health is wealth.
☆ Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
☆ Soft is strong.
☆ The known is in the unknown.
☆ Vulnerability is strength. — this is a big one.
☆ Let go of trying to control and you gain control.
☆ Die before you die. — One of my favourites.

I call these flipping the pancake, reverse dichotomy, funky paradox. It definitely flips you upside down and inside out.

For some crazy reason though, everybody continues to acquiesce to the nonsense and irony of the collective insanity. What I mean by this is the invisible prison playing out all day everyday and keeping most of humanity stuck in groundhog day. Playing out the same habits over and over again without a Scooby Doo whats going on.

This video on Happiness from Steve, Cutts it!

But once I stripped away the BS (belief Systems) and fell into the space of who I am beyond all the noise. Then I continue free-falling into the abliss of love. With this heightened awareness I can see how I am the grand creator of my reality through the choices I make and the stories I uphold. We are all phenomenal story tellers who agreed to inherited beliefs that were not our own. But and its a big BUT, we can consciously change this. How do I know this? because I have and continue to do so.

NAKED The Retreat’ birthed from all that I was exploring within myself transparently and a desire to co-create sacred safe spaces for myself and others to authentically connect and open in love. An immersion where we could feel safe to ‘BE’ and reveal ourselves completely. Then in 2014 I fell in love with a beautiful being; Dara Stara in a 5 rhythms dance. Within 6 months of connecting we birthed the first NAKED The Retreat into existence.

When we transform within, we transform without; on my quest to create a more beautiful world, I knew the surest way for this to happen was through the transformation of the individual. I am sure you have heard many people point to this inward journey, but once you actually do the work, you literally feel and see the transformation take place. This is the alchemical magic taking place right before our eyes. Its a continual flowering, I’m not sure it has an end point at this stage. No outcome necessary.

This was the answer I was seeking when looking at the mass suffering in the world and asking “how can I make a difference?”, “How can I contribute to the depth of that suffering”?. “How can I surf the overload and overwhelm of information”? “How can I live a legacy”? “What is my truth among all this chaos and confusion”? “How can I paint my new vision, sing my song, and plant seeds for the next generations”? Seeds from a foundation of conscious love, not unconscious fear. NAKED was one of the responses to these questions.

Living with this conscious intent is what wakes me up in the morning, choosing to be a lead role in the real life movie we all call LIFE, was a choice which changed absolutely everything and continues to strip away my identity and throw me into the unknown. This beautiful space of the unknown has hidden gifts we have all been seeking in one way or another.

And so the quest continues along the pathless path…

If you are at that point in your life where you feel ready to strip some more layers of identity, some layers of fear, some layers of clothing. To take charge of your life story and continue writing from a new space, a space of truth not fear. If some of what I have written resonates then “NAKED The Retreat” could be the calling you are ready to hear.

☆ NAKED is not just a retreat, its a reboot into YOUnion with yourself.
☆ NAKED is a reprogramming of your mainframe.
☆ NAKED is the CommUNITY required for lasting transformation.
☆ NAKED is no gimmick or some project to make money.
☆ NAKED is our journey back to truth.
☆ NAKED is laughing at the lies which have confined us for far too long.
☆ NAKED is taking action to the suffering you see and feel all around us.
☆ NAKED is healing our inner ecocides.
☆ NAKED is cultivating new eco systems within and without.
☆ NAKED is YOU shining from within like the STARS you are.
☆ NAKED is transparency in its full essence.
☆ NAKED is Personal FREEDOM

NAKED is just another one of our contributions in service to being the change we want to see in the world. We being Dara and I.

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Simon Paul Sutton

A unique manifestation of life force, evolutionary, LOVE, energy alchemist, transparent communicator, supporter & sex educator: Explore: https://linktr.ee/