Louis Dyer Visionary Artist

Self Love as a Portal to Universal Love

Simon Paul Sutton
5 min readAug 17, 2021


SELF LOVE NOW excerpt from author; Rasheed Ogunlaru

For Self Love to blossom into universal love one must stay grounded in the rich soil of awareness, empathy and understanding. The understanding I speak of is not an understanding of the concepts, ideas, beliefs, views or stories of the mind, but of the mind itself. It is a simple understanding that the mind simply accrues and then constantly churns and chews on these things.

Self Love is just a portal to universal love. It is the first — but most significant stop — on the journey. It is where the heart opens to yourself, then life itself and to everyone else.

Perhaps the self — the ‘free self’ if you like — is that which resides before, beyond, between and behind all the ideas I have of myself, life itself and everything & everyone else. Beyond this is a pillow of peace, bliss and silence — or so it would seem when you become still. This is what millions discover in meditation, silence, gratitude, peaceful awareness, silent prayer or quiet walks. There are many doors to this self-realisation. This journey is a re-alignment, a reboot, a re-discovery — and a re-cognition then happens. Much ‘noise’ is let go of in favour of silence — water replaces much of the steam. Your anger — your steam — is just to let you know that the water is ready.

Book illustration HeArt Work by Luraya Lukas

If you are at a point of pain, hurt, loss, tiredness or bewilderment then you may find it is time to go within. If you feel that in some way shape or form that you are going without something or someone then it is time to go within. By all means love the one you’re with — but you must love the one within.

Don’t get too caught up in the heaviness or worthiness of finding your ‘self.’ Many people spend a lifetime searching for something that never was — lost, simply not really seen, noticed or valued.

A word about Self worth, esteem and confidence. These things too will be rediscovered and bolstered, rather than fought with, as you embrace yourself, others and life itself.

In many ways we end where we start. This journey of Self Love and selfdiscovery is actually an invitation to realize you are part of the whole… one sentence in a long story… one leaf on a tree. Enjoy your individuality but also honour your oneness and interconnectedness.

It’s perhaps worth adding a word or two about this material life: enjoy your form, respect the form, don’t hurt the form or anyone else for that matter. But know that form, matter and material things are not the whole story. That can be a bit tricky to get your head around or to think about for exactly that reason. Not all things are that which can be grasped by the mind or consciousness.

Given this you may find — I certainly have — that the heart is a wiser, warmer place to make your centre than the mind. The mind is wonderful, but I’d rather sit in a sitting room or even up on deck rather than in a busy, bustling engine room. You’ll find the mind is sharper, smarter, stress free and — in the main, at peace — as you live by heart.

Sing your song, spread your magic. Too much time is spent figuring things out and not enough perhaps on being, sharing, giving. Once you’ve done this selfseeking and inner healing within don’t be afraid to share your gifts with the world. You, others and the world around you will not be enriched if you hang on to your gifts merely for your own sake.

A tip for each day: Adopt these 5 things:
Gratitude, awareness, acceptance, compassion and appreciation. They will bring joy and peace. Appreciation is the flower of gratitude and you will blossom in all ways from the blend of these things.

Sooner or later you’ll hear what your heart has always been telling you: stop trying to be who you think you should be — become who you are.
~ by Rasheed Ogunlaru


Living In The Gift:

The digital version of this book can be downloaded in the spirit of the Gift culture. Which means you decide the value your heart wants to gift to mine.

So if you have enjoyed reading this excerpt, find the whole book at SelfLoveNow.org and please love it forward…

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During a ‘sharing circle’ Simon invited a spontaneous question; “Why is Self Love so important today?”. He was profoundly moved by the answers of those in the circle, so much so that over time that movement continued to birth an idea of a book of 54 diversely selected co-creators expressing their individual answers to the same broad and important universal question. Now you have the wisdom of these divine beings all in one place. Notice anyone you know? — Enjoy xxx

Get Your Copy and Lets Share Love Far and Wide

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Simplicity is Divinity



Simon Paul Sutton
Simon Paul Sutton

Written by Simon Paul Sutton

A unique manifestation of life force, LOVE, energy alchemist, speaker, facilitator & somatic sexologist: https://linktr.ee/simonpaulsutton

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