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Take a step back and remember; You are LOVE

Simon Paul Sutton


SELF LOVE NOW excerpt from author Genevra Jolie;

A little heartfelt reply: until we can love ourselves completely, including our pain, sadness, anger, loneliness and frustration, we cannot love anyone else completely. Until we can love everyone else completely (this does not mean we have to be near them, physically), we will not create peace in the hearts of every living being.

When the wave of love is all that we know — our entire world will be healed, and we will awaken to something new in a never-ending journey with love.

I believe that everyone deserves to be loved. Not just the nice people. Everyone. Especially those who don’t know what it’s like to be loved.

It’s always been important in every moment of humanity and will always continue to be. I feel that in some dimensions of time we just don’t know yet that Love is calling us home. It takes a while to wake up to that, and that’s okay too.

However, in this moment, we are part of the revolution. Every day I put my hands on my heart and say I love you.

Every time I feel discomfort or even if I remember when I am feeling great, I say “I love you” to myself. If I feel I cannot love myself I hand it all over to God (divine consciousness) to work through me and do it for me. Then I know that every action I take is perfect and I am doing exactly what I am supposed to do.

I am learning to take my time and step back to love myself before reacting from a place of pain. I’m learning to meet my pain with love and help deliver it to light. I send blessings of love to others. I take time to choose things that are most loving for me. I make choices, however challenging, to detach physically from people who are unloving. I can still love them from a distance but then I can re-focus on myself, the one who feels unloved.

by Genevra Jolie

visit website to download your copy

Living In The Gift:

The digital version of this book can be downloaded in the spirit of the Gift culture. Which means you decide the value your heart wants to gift to mine.

So if you have enjoyed reading this excerpt, find the whole book at and please love it forward…

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During a ‘sharing circle’ Simon invited a spontaneous question; “Why is Self Love so important today?”. He was profoundly moved by the answers of those in the circle, so much so that over time that movement continued to birth an idea of a book of 54 diversely selected co-creators expressing their individual answers to the same broad and important universal question. Now you have the wisdom of these divine beings all in one place. Notice anyone you know? — Enjoy xxx

Get Your Copy and Lets Share Love Far and Wide



Simon Paul Sutton
Simon Paul Sutton

Written by Simon Paul Sutton

A unique manifestation of life force, LOVE, energy alchemist, speaker, facilitator & somatic sexologist:

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