Take control of your life and LOVE yourself like no other can.


Simon Paul Sutton


Have you heard of the term “Golden Hour”? It goes like this; the golden hour is the first hour you wake, this hour and what you do in it is the basis and foundation for your whole day :) Choose wisely the ways you plug into the divine aspect of you. You are a miracle but it has to be felt, not just some intellectual concept or philosophy.

Let me introduce you to the ‘Golden Hour’, this is the hour as soon as we wake, this hour is the foundation for our day ahead. It is here where we decide how we want to be, act and feel. We are the designers of our lives. We do not allow the addictive habits, technology, stress or anything else which distracts or unplugs us from truth, lead the way.

As good old Rumi said ‘the morning breeze has secrets to tell, do not go back to sleep’

This golden hour is a special space for us to be with ourselves, we may want to write, meditate, self-pleasure, take a walk in nature, go for a swim, physically move, dance, shake, practice yoga, handstands, and/or read texts which inspires and motivates us.

It’s a conscious foundation setting for the day ahead. In this sacred space we choose what attitude we want to adopt, how present we choose to be, how focused and aligned we are to our ideal version of ourselves.

Where focus goes energy flows.

Most people wake to an alarm — ALARM — just the word in itself is ALARMING. So as soon as we wake our bodies are shocked into the flight, fight or freeze mode. That’s why I suggest setting a song that enlivens you to wake with. Something soft, nurturing and inviting. To welcome you into the beauty and magic of the day ahead in which you are going to create magic while bathing in the wonder and awe of being.

The Golden Hour begins the night before when we go to bed by switching our mobile phones off or onto airplane mode and not switching them back on until after the ‘Golden Hour’ the next morning.

Make a loving wish for yourself

As you embody this daily ritual, your golden hour may extend into two hours or more. To begin with, make a commitment to ‘one hour’. This hour and conscious decision makes the distinction between those who follow through on their intentions, demonstrate greatness and chase change, to those who just hope for change and greatness and nothing ever really happens.

Here are a few ideas to do and be in the golden hour:
(you can add / mix your own)

★ Warm glass of water and fresh lemon / lime (wakes up the intestine calmly) If you cant drink lemon or lime then try 3rd of a teaspoon of Tumeric.
★ Write morning pages — 3 pages of A4 stream of consciousness. Just write whatever is on your mind, the thoughts that are flying through. Nobody reads it. Just let the pen flow. 3 pages takes on average 30 minutes.
★ Gratitude meditation. Write down 50 things you are grateful for, then speak them out loud.
★ Ask yourself what touched your heart, excited and inspired you from the day before.
★ Write a letter to, loved one, family member / friend sharing how much you appreciate them.
★ Shut up and Shake (biodynamic shaking)
★ Breathe, move and sound.
★ Intentional breathing.
★ SOMA Breath.
★ Wim Hof Breathing
★ Self-pleasure rituals. I don’t just mean genital stimulation. Set your temple to honour your temple, stroke, honour and caress your beautiful body.
★ Look in the mirror and tell yourself you love YOU.
Say I love ……… and repeat your name several times.
★ Make love to your partner.
★ Ask yourself what is your intention for the day?
★ Ask yourself what’s the priorities of this unique day?
★ Yoga Sun Salutations (10) or full sequence of yoga asanas.
★ Kundalini Yoga
★ Thai Chi
★ Qigong
★ 5 Tibetan Rites
★ Dancing 5 rhythms / ecstatic dance.
★ Active Osho Meditations (there are many to choose from)
★ Sit and breathe deeply while observing your breath.
★ Vipassana Meditation (for those who know the technique)
★ Listen to guided meditation or mantra music. (Maybe Joe Dispenza)
★ Play the singing bowl and chant / sing.
★ Mild soft stretching, activating all your muscles. Honouring the ability to move that they give you.
★ Read an inspirational book.
★ Go to the sea and walk or swim
★ Walk in nature bare foot. (Or not)
★ Walk in the Forest bare foot (if you have one close by)
★ Any exercise of your liking.
★ Play the guitar or musical instrument you love.
★ Create your own daily manifesto or set of affirmations which ignite your love of self and life.
★ Write an anonymous love letter and drop on your way to work or in your day.
★ Care for yourself in whatever way feels needed on that day.
★ Make yourself a beautiful healthy loving breakfast to enjoy after your meditation.
★ Share with a loved one, look into their eyes and say; I see you I am here and sit in silence for some time together.
★ Ponder your unique existence and acknowledge yourself and all that you have contributed to life. All of your loved ones and everybody who has had to exist and die for you to be alive right now.
★ The Power of WOW. Connect to the power of the WOWness of creation and allow that to bring presence into your life as you meet every person as a Nobel guest…
★ Ask yourself big wide open questions like;
How awe-struck am I?
Who am I?
What legacy do I want to live?
What is my purpose for living?
What wild dream would I like to experience?
What is death?
What is an Atom?
Am I a god in flesh?
What is a miracle?
What is consciousness?
Can I telepathically communicate?
Am I a multidimensional traveller?

Mix one, two or many of the above suggestions to make up your hour/s. Create your own daily routine, whatever makes YOU feel amazing and serves your truth and ignites the truth within your heart.

You see there are soooo many ways to plug into YOU, before you plug into the internet, your phone, over thinking or drama ❤

The Optimal Morning Routine — Andrew Huberman

Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. Enjoy this After Skool presentation to give your mind motive to inspire your Golden Hour Blissipline…

The Optimal Morning Routine — Andrew Huberman
You are the light that shines from within

Many people I meet want to live a different life, they want to live more peacefully and self-loving, they ask me how they can bring more joy to their life? My answer is always a question; What are your self-loving practices? Many respond with; ‘I don’t have any’

It’s not until we reprogram our old dysfunctional habits into beneficial ones which serve us, that we can truly change. It requires repetition, repetition, repetition to rewire our subconscious blueprints.

We create our joy, inner peace and love, nobody else. Love and truth (one in the same) are always there, they haven’t left anywhere, they havent gone on holiday or avoiding you because you smell.

We just have to uncover and strip away all the crap and obstacles we have stacked on ourselves which have blocked the love and wholeness to shine. Just like on a cloudy day the sun cannot be seen. But it’s still shining and burning brightly. It never stops shining.

And guess what? Once you implement these self-loving actions, they become the norm. You will start doing them more often without even realising. You become the LOVE and GRATITUDE YOU DESERVE.

❤ Now thats GOLDEN in my opinion.

Recap: How to Prepare:
~ At night when you sleep — your phone goes onto ‘Airplane’ mode.
~ Turn of the wifi / EMF
~ You sleep with no interference.
~ You wake with a beautiful song, not alarm sirens, check time and leave your phone on airplane mode and computer off for at least the first golden hour of waking.
~Enjoy the self-loving practice of your choice.
~ Before any other beverages, make yourself a pint of warm water with adding tumeric, lemon or lime.

Ill finish with this great passage of inspiration called;
WE SHALL DEFEAT OUR DEMONS.” — by Brendon Burchard
(From his book Motivation Manifesto).

“Something inside is sabotaging our natural drive toward freedom. It whines and roars for us to stop when-ever we push beyond our comforts; whenever we choose to be authentic and loving in a scary world; whenever we seek to make a difference at the cost of our own position; whenever we desire something magnificent that, to obtain, would require hardship and work. Our internal demons poison us with worry and fear whenever we might be vulnerable, stunting our growth and vitality. Our destiny is decided by how well we know our demons of Doubt and Delay, how well we defend against them, and how many battles we win against them each day of our lives. With-out self-mastery, we are slaves to fear. With it, greatness and transcendence are ours. For this, we now declare:

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Simon Paul Sutton

A unique manifestation of life force, evolutionary, LOVE, energy alchemist, transparent communicator, supporter & sex educator: Explore: https://linktr.ee/