We Cannot Seperate Self Love from Our Spirituality
SELF LOVE NOW excerpt from author Yasmin De Giorgio
The terms self and love are somewhat contradictory because love is the only force that without fail will cause the self to cease to exist.
Love is such a transcendental force that it literally breaks through the boundaries of the self and carries us into connection with all that lies beyond the self. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Of course, giving that love to our own selves first is the prerequisite.
Because love cannot be held within us, without that very ‘us’ being first included. And so, our journey with Big Love, (and by that, I mean the love that transcends all boundaries to embrace every person, animal, molecule and atom in this universe), begins with us first learning to love the skin we are in. It’s kind of like riding a bike with training wheels. You’ve got to start there, but also hope you’ll move on to a wilder kind of ride.
As human beings I think we mostly don’t really even know ourselves. Even when we ‘love ourselves’, it is not really ourselves we are loving. Our true self is so much more than just our body, or just our mind, or even the body and mind together.
So how can we understand how to love ourselves?
Is treating yourself to a glass of wine after a long day loving yourself? It may be for the body and mind, but probably not for the soul. To love ourselves we have ask ourselves, “Who am I? What is the purpose of this human life?” We have to know the self on every level; body, mind, spirit and soul.
Scott Peck in ‘A Path Less Travelled’ defines love as that which contributes to our or another’s spiritual growth. I would agree with that. I try to love myself on all the different levels (body, mind, spirit, soul). For example; I love myself by resting well and eating healthily. But for me, the best kinds of Self Love always look from the top down. Starting with the soul, to the spirit, mind and body.
The acts of Self Love which are rooted in an understanding of my soul and its needs, are always the ones that leave me the fullest. Sometimes I sacrifice the physical for the mental, or the mental for the spiritual, and for me that works. I strive for balance in all, of course, but my priorities lie in the acts of love that nourish my soul.
My daily meditation practice is the number one. Trying to be of service to others, deepening my spiritual knowledge and expanding on my ability to stay centred and fully surrendered to a force greater than myself. These are the top. Then I also work on my emotional strength, my tools for integration, on making time to go surfing. Mentally and physically I rest well, spend time alone and in nature, eat well and always have time for a good chuckle with friends.
I believe all love is crucial for humanity. It is what we are here to learn. It may start with self, but it definitely doesn’t end there.
Enjoy this 17 min soundbite with Yasmin on the Simon Transparently Podcast
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During a ‘sharing circle’ Simon invited a spontaneous question; “Why is Self Love so important today?”. He was profoundly moved by the answers of those in the circle, so much so that over time that movement continued to birth an idea of a book of 54 diversely selected co-creators expressing their individual answers to the same broad and important universal question. Now you have the wisdom of these divine beings all in one place. Notice anyone you know? — Enjoy xxx
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